Spice up your electrical cords!
Are you tired of your plain black or white charging cord? Or has your white cord ever turned a grayish color from use? Have you ever had to stop using your phone charger cord, headphones, or computer cord because the the outer covering was wearing thin and exposing the wires inside?
Here’s the solution to all your woes! Wrap your cord!

When I did mine, I used two different methods of wrapping. You can choose to use one of the versions or use both like I did. I used embroidery thread to do my phone cord, but you could always use a different type of string as well. If you want to wrap an extension cord, an idea would be to use paracord.
Version 1a and 1b
There are two ways to do this one. Option #1a is just basic wrapping, while #1b is wrapping with extra wrapping on top.

Step 1: Cut a piece of whatever type of string you are using. Do the first part of a square knot. (Also the first step in tying your shoes). Make sure you do this near the end of one side of the string.

Step 2: Either tape down or hold down the end of the short side of the string. Use the long end of the string to begin wrapping the cord. Wrap far enough to cover the end of the short side of the string. (If you taped down the short end be sure to remove the tape before you wrap over it).

Step 3: Once you have wrapped to your liking, pick a new color. When you start with Step 1 again do your half square knot over the tail of the color you just finished wrapping. This ensures that it doesn’t unwind.
Follow the directions of 1a, but add in your extra wrapping color when knotting it to the cord. Finish with 1a, then wrap your extra color around the first color. Secure just like with 1a.
Version 2a

Step 1: Pick your color of string. Find the center of your string and place it under your cord. Take the right side of the string and gently fold it over the cord.

Step 2: Take the left side of your string and place it over the folded right string.

Step 3: This is the complicated part. Take the left side and go under the cord, then up through the loop that the right string makes on the right side.

Step 4: Repeat the steps to continue making knots. As you go on you will notice that it starts to twist around, DO NOT try to straighten it, this is what it is supposed to do.
Step 5: When you finish and want to start a new color, cut the ends short and start the knotting with a different color. Be sure to do the knots over the ends of the previous color in order to keep it from unwinding.

The very end
After you have come to the end of your cord, you will need to secure the ends of the string. Pick the corresponding string securing instructions for the version you are on.
Version 1a and 1b:
Tie several knots around the cord with your string. Cut the string close to the knot and apply a little super glue.
Version 2a:
Pull the ends tight and tie several knots with the two ends in front of the cord. Cut the string close to the knot and apply a little super glue.
If you want to decorate your cord further, you can also paint the ends of your cord and the adapter with finger nail polish! My family does this in order to tell our cords apart.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section below.
One Comment
Ruthann Anderson
Love this idea! Will try covering my ugly cords.